Poetry Month Day 4 [embers]

all i wanted was to show you love,
that family isn’t all about blood,
but i was just a roof over your head,
snacks, phone, Gatorade, and a huge comfy bed.

all i wanted was to keep you safe,
to fight your battles while you changed,
but with fists you fought over words that didn’t matter,
and with your own words, sliced through me like a dagger.

i gave you a chance after you told me to die
but if i’m honest, my love said goodbye,
for then began the wait for the day you’d leave.
i was naive to believe it’d be easy to grieve.

my love for you, still embers of a once-burning flame,
i think of you often and hope you’re okay,
and that you’re learning what really matters in life,
at least enough that you can finally thrive.

*Two years ago I fostered one of my students, a teen. It was one of the darkest times of my life because I would’ve moved mountains to see her thrive, but she needed more than we could give. I started this poem right after she left, and found it in a journal last week, so I decided to finish it.

Sometimes I still wonder if we even helped, or just added to the trauma she endured.

Poetry Month Day 3 [moonlight]

the true nocturnals
the night owls
do their best work in the moonlight.
sun sets on the horizon
stars scattered through the sky
and with it comes the quiet,
the peace in the silence.

always tired in the morning,
groaning while wiping the sleep from my eyes.
i despise the nine to five;
would thrive if i could work at night
but nursing and gas stations
don’t fit my aspirations.

if i could change the world,
there’d be more occupations,
more accommodations,
more considerations
for those who thrive in moonlight.

Found Words II

Be the best everyday –
mold minds and inspire,
try to light a fire
in the minds of students
lacking the desire to learn
or try.


I’ve tried it all –
it’s like trying to captain a ship
but all the crewmates panic
because there’s no cellphone service
on the ocean. I can’t do it all.
I’m tired. Slowly, we sink together.


March 2023,

an anagram poem inspired by anagram poetry in Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds

Sharing poems I find in old journals or my Google drive

carousel [a poem]

the one ride i know i’ll survive –
no bumps, turns, flips, drops,
no sudden stops.
one speed,
round and round
again and again
and then, the end.
get off or stay on, 
ride one more time because it’s

why take a risk,
a chance you might break
down and lose it all?
fall and fall
until there’s nowhere to go
all because you left your comfort zone.
all alone
future unknown.
you wanted an escape,
left behind what was

round and round,
again and again –
all fine until that moment when
the monotony of it all sets in.
you’ve lost your happiness from within.

mature [a poem]

as we grew up,
all we wanted was to be older:
to be sixteen,
  eighteen, twenty one.
we soldiered through
the challenges we faced then –
unaware of the wilderness
  life becomes when mature1.

now we reminisce,
wish we had taken time to savor
being free to feel unsure
of where we’re going.

borrowed poem2 i found in my journal from 2022

1 from “I Am Offering this Poem” by Jimmy Santiago Baca
2 a poem in which you borrow a line and build around it

my name [a poem]

my name is two syllables
harsh transition between.
doesn’t quite roll of the lips in a beautiful way,
but hey, it’s mine.

like definitely – rarely spelled correctly
self-conscious at Starbucks &
restaurant wait lists.
do i look like daniel?
is my long, flowing red hair
not a big enough billboard?

to me, sounds like a harp.
stops me in my tracks.
Danielle: a voice says, pulling me from panic.
Danielle: they yell, excited to see me.
Danielle: hand on shoulder, consoling.
Danielle: a voice of reason reminding me that i am enough.

no one’s footsteps to follow.
this name is mine.

on our side [but are you really] (a poem)

It’s a teacher problem
It’s an adult problem
It’s a student problem

Last I checked, a problem is a problem
and problems need solutions.
Not blame,
not shame,
not to pass the buck to someone else
or pass on it in a few days anyways

because a problem without an answer
stays a problem
until you’re willing to listen,
create a vision,
make an actual decision.

but let’s be honest –
even if we told you,
the vicious circle will continue
because here we are now
being yelled at for our thoughts
but – oops, I forgot
you’re on our side, right?